
The Distribution contract provides a comprehensive process for project owners to create and manage distributions...

The Distribution contract provides a comprehensive process for project owners to create and manage distributions, while also offering interfaces for users to participate in distributions and claim earnings.

Contract Functions

The Distribution contract, as an extension of the Target contract, provides functionalities including creating distributions, user participation in distributions, cancelling distributions, liquidating distributions, users claiming dividends and distribution tokens. Distribution is a method for project owners to raise funds and allocate tokens through smart contracts.

Contract Structure

The Distribution contract inherits from the Target contract and utilizes the SafeMath library to ensure the security of numerical operations.

Important Variables

  • distributionIndex: Index ID for distributions, starting from 1.

  • distributions: Mapping storing details of each distribution.

  • distribution2Owner: Records the owner of each distribution.

  • distribution2Funding: Records the funding amount for each distribution.

  • distribution2Shares: Records the number of shares for each distribution.

  • distribution2TargetId: Associates distribution IDs with target IDs.

  • userDistributions: Records the list of distributions in which users participate.

  • user2disPending: Records the amount of tokens pending for users in distributions.

  • user2disHarvest: Records the amount of tokens harvested by users.

  • dis2EndTime: Records the end time of distributions.

The Functions:

  1. Events

    • NewDistributionCreated: Triggered when a new distribution is created.

    • NewJoin: Triggered when a user participates in a distribution.

    • HarvestDividends: Triggered when a user harvests dividends.

    • HarvestDisToken: Triggered when a user harvests distribution tokens.

  2. Distribution Management

    • createDistribution: Creates a new distribution, subject to specific conditions such as project status and user permissions.

    • cancelDistribution: Allows the owner to cancel a distribution, transitioning its status to 310.

    • ownerLiquidation: Allows the owner to liquidate a distribution after it fails, transitioning its status to 330.

  3. User Participation

    • userJoin: Allows users to participate in a distribution using native tokens, recording the participation amount and token quantity.

  4. Claiming Dividends and Tokens

    • pendingDividends: Checks the dividends available for a user to claim.

    • harvestDividends: Allows a user to claim their dividends.

    • pendingDisToken: Checks the distribution tokens available for a user to claim.

    • harvestDisToken: Allows a user to claim their distribution tokens.

  5. Project Payment

    • payToken: Allows the project owner to make a payment, transferring assets to the contract and updating the status to 250.

  6. Whitelist Management

    • setCheckWhitelist: Allows the distribution owner to set whitelist addresses.

  7. Query Functions

    • getUserDisIds: Retrieves a list of all distribution IDs in which a user has participated.

    • getDis2WhiteList: Retrieves the whitelist status of a user in a specific distribution.

    • getDisPrice: Calculates the premium for a distribution.


  • The creator of a distribution must be a Contractor of the project, and the project status needs to be valid.

  • Users can participate in a distribution using the userJoin function with Native Token, earning corresponding token shares based on distribution rules.

  • Distribution owners can cancel a distribution or perform liquidation under certain conditions.

  • Users can claim dividends and distribution tokens after a successful distribution.


pragma solidity >=0.8.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

interface IDistribution {
    @dev Create a distribution
    @param user            User address
    @param distributionId  Distribution ID
    event NewDistributionCreated(address indexed user, uint256 distributionId);

    @dev User participation event
    @param user            User address
    @param distributionId  Distribution ID
    @param targetID        Corresponding target ID
    @param amount          Participation amount
    event NewJoin(
        address indexed user,
        uint256 distributionId,
        uint256 targetID,
        uint256 amount

    @dev User harvest dividends event
    @param user          User address
    @param amount        Amount involved
    event HarvestDividends(address indexed user, uint256 amount);

    struct DistributionStruct {
        uint256 indexer1; // Bytecode 1
        uint256 indexer2; // Bytecode 2
        address payAddr; // Payment address, project party's fund payment address
        address tokenAddr; // Token contract address

    @dev Get the total number of distributions
    function distributionIndex() external view returns (uint256);

    @dev Get distribution details by ID
    @param _distributionId    Distribution ID
    @return _disStruct        Distribution structure
    function distributions(
        uint256 _distributionId
    ) external view returns (DistributionStruct memory _disStruct);

    @dev Get the owner of a distribution by ID
    @param _distributionId    Distribution ID
    @return _owner            Owner address
    function distribution2Owner(uint256 _distributionId) external view returns (address _owner);

    @dev Get the funding amount of a distribution by ID
    @param _distributionId    Distribution ID
    @return _funding          Funding amount
    function distribution2Funding(uint256 _distributionId) external view returns (uint256 _funding);

    @dev Create a distribution, only contractors can do this
    @param _indexer1          Indexer code 1
    @param _indexer2          Indexer code 2
    @param _payAddr           Payment address, project party's fund payment address
    @param _tokenAddr         Token contract address
    function createDistribution(
        uint256 _indexer1,
        uint256 _indexer2,
        address _payAddr,
        address _tokenAddr
    ) external;

    @dev User participates using ETH
    @notice msg.value carries the participation amount
    @param _distributionId   Distribution ID
    function userJoin(uint256 _distributionId) external payable;

    @dev User views their pending dividends
    @param _user         User address
    @return _amount      Pending dividend amount
    function pendingDividends(
        address _user
    ) external view returns (uint256 _amount);

    @dev User harvests their dividends
    function harvestDividends() external;

    @dev Project party makes a payment, transferring all assets
    @param _distributionId       Distribution ID
    function payToken(uint256 _distributionId) external;

    @dev Get the target ID from distribution data
    @param _data           Data
    @return _targetId      Target ID
    function getTargetIdFromDis(uint256 _data) external pure returns (uint256 _targetId);

    @dev Check if an address is on the whitelist for a distribution
    @param _user              User address
    @param _distributionId    Distribution ID
    @return _isBool           Status
    function distribution2WhiteList(
        uint256 _user,
        uint256 _distributionId
    ) external view returns (bool _isBool);

    @dev Get the target ID of a distribution by ID
    @param _distributionId    Distribution ID
    @return _targetId         Target ID
    function distribution2TargetId(
        uint256 _distributionId
    ) external view returns (uint256 _targetId);

    @dev Get aggregate information of a distribution by ID
    @param _user               User address
    @param _distributionId     Distribution ID
    @return _disStruct         Distribution structure
    @return _owner             Owner address
    @return _funding           Current funding amount
    @return _targetId          Corresponding target ID
    @return _joinAmount        User's participation amount in the current distribution
    function getArgInfo2DisId(
        address _user,
        uint256 _distributionId
        returns (
            DistributionStruct memory _disStruct,
            address _owner,
            uint256 _funding,
            uint256 _targetId,
            uint256 _joinAmount

    @dev Set whitelist, only the distribution owner can set
    @param _distributionId Distribution ID
    @param _whiteList       List of whitelist addresses
    @param _isBool          Status list
    function setCheckWhitelist(
        uint256 _distributionId,
        address[] memory _whiteList,
        bool[] memory _isBool
    ) external;

    @dev Get all distributions of a user
    @param _user             User address
    @return _distributions   List of distributions
    @return _length Number   of distributions
    function getUserAllDis(
        address _user
    ) external view returns (DistributionStruct[] memory _distributions, uint256 _length);

    @dev Get all distribution IDs of a user
    @param _user     User address
    @return _ids     List of distribution IDs
    function getUserDisIds(
        address _user
    ) external view returns (uint256[] memory _ids);

    @dev Check if an address is on the whitelist for a distribution
    @param _user      User address
    @param _id        Distribution ID
    @return _isBool   Status
    function getDis2WhiteList(address _user, uint256 _id) external view returns (bool _isBool);

    @dev Cancel a distribution, only the distribution owner can do this
    @param _distributionId      Distribution ID
    function cancelDistribution(uint256 _distributionId) external;

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